Survey of Metaphysics and Esoterism | Frithjof Schuon

Survey of Metaphysics and Esoterism | Frithjof Schuon



Author: Frithj of Schuon
Publisher: Suhail Academy
Pages: 230
Year of Publication: 2005
Binding: Hardbound مجلد
Dimensions: 22.5 * 14.5 cm
Weight: 0.50 kg

Availability: 1 in stock


Availability: 1 in stock

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Frithjof Schuon “Once again one reaches for superlatives. This book is not for everyone, for it is metaphysically demanding. But for those who think philosophically it constitutes a kind of Principia Metaphysica, setting forth the principles of being with almost mathematical economy and precision. The author reveals himself again as the most comprehen-sive and architectonic metaphysician of our century.” —Huston Smith

“A magnificent book, which exceeds what even this master’s most faithf61 readers have been led to expect. Schuon proves anew, by an even greater compression and irradiation of his Wisdom, how inexhaustibly beautiful is the Truth.” —James S. Cutsinger ***
“The highest praise that I can offer concerning the writings of Frithjof Schuon is that they are worthy of their subject matter—the teachings of the great spiritual traditions. Whether one’s views are supported or challenged by these writings, any serious person will feel grateful to be confronted by such a generously discerning intellect and to witness the emergence of authentic contemplative thought in this darkening time.” —Jacob Needleman


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