Creativity Ibn al-‘Arabi and the Traditional Islamic Philosophy of Education

Creativity Ibn al-‘Arabi and the Traditional Islamic Philosophy of Education



English Title: Creativity Ibn al-‘Arabi and the Traditional Islamic Philosophy of Education
Author: Ayesha Laghari
Publisher: Suhail Academy
Pages: 429
Paper Type: Century
Printing: Offset
Year of Publication: 2022
Volumes in Set: 1
Edition: Revised Edition 2021
Language: English
Binding: Hardbound مجلد
Weight: 0.90 kg

Availability: Out of stock

Creativity Ibn al-‘Arabi and the Traditional Islamic Philosophy of Education

Traditional Muslim philosophy of education aims to develop the highest human potential known as khalīfatullah in Arabic. This term means ‘the representative of God on earth.’ The Islamic sapiential tradition considers ‘creativity’ to be of paramount importance for attaining this status. Although there have been a few studies highlighting the importance of inculcating creativity within the educa­tional philosophy of the Muslim World in the last few decades, very little work has been conducted to actually understand the concept of ‘creativity’ from the point of view of the Islamic Intellectual Tradition. One of the major conclusions of this work is that the method for actualizing creativity includes the inculcation of the masculine/majestic characteristics of the ‘Spirit’ and the feminine/beautiful characteristics of the ‘soul.’ These two characteristics need to be interacting in perfect balance so that human beings can be creative and strive towards perfection

Dr Ayesha Leghari

Dr. Leghari’s early educational and work experience, combined with her experience in teaching Sufism and Religious Studies in Pakistan and abroad, have helped her develop her academic and professional interests. She displays substantial understanding of the major philosophical and metaphysical trends in religion and philosophy. She has been very active in promoting women’s rights, spiritual reform of men and the family in the context of Pakistan. Dr. Leghari is a cultural and philosophical expert who has no problem transcending boundaries of consciousness in an effort to get her point across.



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